
Spain’s economic growth to be “stable and robust”, says minister

Spain’s Economy Minister Carlos Cuerpo has forecast “stable and robust” economic growth for the country averaging over 2% annually through until 2027, likely surpassing its European counterparts.


Govt. proposes Jose Luis Escriva as new Bank of Spain chief

Spain's government has put forward Digital Transformation Minister Jose Luis Escriva as a candidate for central bank governor.


Growth in Spain’s manufacturing for fifth straight month

Manufacturing activity increased in Spain for the fifth consecutive month in June, although at a slightly slower pace than recorded the month before.


Spain’s economic growth to be “stable and robust”, says minister

Spain’s Economy Minister Carlos Cuerpo has forecast “stable and robust” economic growth for the country averaging over 2% annually through until 2027, likely surpassing its European counterparts.


Govt. proposes Jose Luis Escriva as new Bank of Spain chief

Spain's government has put forward Digital Transformation Minister Jose Luis Escriva as a candidate for central bank governor.


Growth in Spain’s manufacturing for fifth straight month

Manufacturing activity increased in Spain for the fifth consecutive month in June, although at a slightly slower pace than recorded the month before.


Spain’s tourist GDP forecast to grow 5% in 2024

Spain’s economy is forecast to grow by 2.4% this year, according to the latest findings by Caixabank Research, half a percentage point higher than its prior forecast.


Spain’s inflation rises to 3.6% in May

The National Statistics Institute released Spain's year-on-year inflation report for May on Thursday morning, revealing a rate of 3.6%, matching market expectations, and an increase from April's 3.3%.


Thousands protest against “mass tourism” in Balearics

Thousands of individuals took to the streets of Menorca and Mallorca over the weekend in opposition to mass tourism and overcrowding.


Spain’s inflation accelerates for third straight month

Inflation in Spain has accelerated for a third month as the reduction of government support measures aimed at curbing the energy crisis drove prices higher.


Spain hosts 16.1m international visitors in Q1

Spain welcomed over 16.1 million international tourists in the first quarter of the year, marking a 17.7% increase compared to the same period in 2023


Spain’s government vows to block BBVA takeover of Sabadell

Spain's second-largest bank BBVA announced a hostile takeover bid for its smaller rival Banco Sabadell on Thursday,


Fastest growth in Spain's services sector activity since May 2023

Spain's services sector activity grew last month at the fastest pace in nearly a year as robust demand resulted in businesses increasing capacity and recruiting additional staff, according to the findings of a survey published on Monday.


Protests in Canary Islands over mass tourism

Thousands took to the streets of Tenerife on Saturday, calling for the island to temporarily curb tourist arrivals to limit a surge in short-term holiday rentals and hotel construction that is increasing housing costs for locals. 


Spain’s economic growth to be “stable and robust”, says minister

Spain’s Economy Minister Carlos Cuerpo has forecast “stable and robust” economic growth for the country averaging over 2% annually through until 2027, likely surpassing its European counterparts.


Govt. proposes Jose Luis Escriva as new Bank of Spain chief

Spain's government has put forward Digital Transformation Minister Jose Luis Escriva as a candidate for central bank governor.


Growth in Spain’s manufacturing for fifth straight month

Manufacturing activity increased in Spain for the fifth consecutive month in June, although at a slightly slower pace than recorded the month before.


Spain’s tourist GDP forecast to grow 5% in 2024

Spain’s economy is forecast to grow by 2.4% this year, according to the latest findings by Caixabank Research, half a percentage point higher than its prior forecast.


Spain’s inflation rises to 3.6% in May

The National Statistics Institute released Spain's year-on-year inflation report for May on Thursday morning, revealing a rate of 3.6%, matching market expectations, and an increase from April's 3.3%.

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